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AutoCoach devices are portable and wireless system that is suitable for clubs and schools – for training and general fitness sessions, and sporting events.

    1. An easy to use stopwatch that maximises athlete performance from the palm of your hand.
    2. Freedom to coach and assess performance without the burden of time keeping.
      i. Ability to automatically start athletes on predetermined training cycles.
      ii. Ability to provide to athletes their training time in real time (visually and verbally) at the touch of a button.
    1. Ability to receive instant feedback and sports science analysis.
    2. Immediate access to stroke characteristics (time, splits, SWOLF, SI, DPS), speed data, and more.
    1. Simple, portable and wireless system that is expandable so you can add to it as your club grows.
    2. Compact and easy to store.
    3. Reduced set up time.
    4. Fewer people required to run your club meets (timing 2 lanes on one watch).
    5. Makes your club nights more exciting with times displayed on LED displays after the race.
    6. All components can be used for both training and racing – maximising the use of your investment.
    1. All Stopwatches can function as a walkie talkie.
    2. Providing verbal/audio measurement so that there is no need to look at the screen.
    3. Inbuilt microphone for PA system (when used with AutoCoach Speaker).
    4. Conveys instructions/results to a squad/group (with other AutoCoach devices).
    1. Easily switches between the Lap and Cumulative Split time.
    2. Instantly displays the split and finish time.
    3. Automatically stores data from last 99 races in its memory.
    4. Rotate left dial to select the data with timestamp, lane and distance.
    5. Connect to a computer to download Stopwatch data.
    6. With Autocoach ACS82 Transceiver, wirelessly collect and store all data onto a PC or Android tablet.
  • MODES:
    1. Athlete Race analysis: “Watch” and “Speed”/”Graphics” Mode.
    2. Coach / Training: “Interval” and “Pace” Mode.
    3. Fitness Tests: “20M Shuttle Run”, “Pace Test” and “WAIS Water Polo” Mode.
    4. Race Start & Timing: “Race” and “Group” Mode.

Simple and easy to use, the AutoCoach stopwatches measure & store the basic measurements (time, splits, lap times & stroke rates) as well as high performance measurements (velocities, SI, SWOLF). Real time feedback to athletes is provided Visually (stopwatch or LED Display) or Verbally (time-call or via the AutoCoach Speakers). All data is automatically stored on the Watch, and wirelessly transmitted to a computer via an optional Transceiver.

training equipment

Automated pre-set time cycles are generated by our system with visual and audible commands used to co-ordinate your squad of athletes. All athletes can see their performance at a glance and know what time cycle they are on. This frees up the coach to give more attention to technique and motivation.

racing equipment

A versatile wireless race starting and timing system that is easy to setup and use! Race starters will love the pre-programmed official race commands, saving their voice while remaining in full control of each command. All times and results can be downloaded to a computer. Minimal timekeepers are needed for your next race meet, whether a PB challenge, club meet, school meet or sporting carnival. The system uses the same equipment used in squad training, maximising your investment.



All Stopwatches are audio enabled with built-in microphone and speaker. They can call-out measurements verbally, so that there is no need to look at the screen. They can also function as a walkie talkie and a P.A. system.

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Designed with the tech illeterate in mind, the AutoCoach system requires minimal setup - just press and play!

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Each device is designed to be portable allowing for easy transportation.

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With a range of over 200 meters, the AutoCoach system allows wireless transmission of data, timing and audio.

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The system employs a digitally encoded wireless network allowing you to control who's in and who's out.

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Adapted for many sports such as track & field, triathlons and especially swimming.

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Choose your own components to create your own AutoCoach system designed to do what you need it to do. It's all up to you.


If you need more information or a quotation for AutoCoach equipment, click the request button below.
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