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You should have received the quickest user guides in hard copy and all the instructions and video demonstrations in a USB stick when you purchased AutoCoach products. If not, you can download documents from here: https://autocoach.com.au/applications/guides, or watch videos here: https://autocoach.com.au/applications/videos.

All products sold by AutoCoach are covered by a 12-month hardware warranty and software upgrade unless otherwise stated. If any equipment has been damaged by accident, improper usage, or water ingress (with the exception of any items claimed to be water-proof), AutoCoach Pty Ltd will not be liable for cost of repair but will offer to replace damaged equipment with refurbished and tested materials at a reduced cost to that of full replacement.

For service and maintenance on equipment, AutoCoach warrants any parts repaired or replaced during the service for a period of 3 months but does not warrant any other aspects of the serviced products, if the equipment being serviced is outside the original warranty period.

Please see https://autocoach.com.au/company/terms-and-conditions  for details.

Yes, you can! Within the first 12 months after you purchase any goods, you are eligible to purchase an extended warranty. It will cost AUD60 per year (+GST). For more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yes, it is. In Autocoach Manager software, you are able to import event information from or export race results to Meet Manager. We run training sessions on Autocoach race meet operation and communication with Meet Manager. For more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Accident: avoid any undue shocks (e.g.  dropping, kicking) or falling into a swimming pool

Battery: please charge batteries frequently even it is not in use or it is not flat. Avoid using it up to completely flat. Also, keep it cool and dry would extend battery life.

Regular service and maintenance with us.

Autocoach products are sensitive and precise instrument. Their performance would be affected by long-time exposure to moist environment, extreme weather/ temperature, or any other accident damages. Our engineers could help you inspect part reliability, replace aged parts, clean and add protective film, and upgrade firmware. Regular service could ensure the best-possible functionalities of your gear. 

Please follow this procedure for some self-tests/debug or contact us directly. Please notice: you would need to fill this Service Record Form (**) and email or send it with the faulty goods to us when submitting a service job.


Simple and easy to use, the AutoCoach stopwatches measure & store the basic measurements (time, splits, lap times & stroke rates) as well as high performance measurements (velocities, SI, SWOLF). Real time feedback to athletes is provided Visually (stopwatch or LED Display) or Verbally (time-call or via the AutoCoach Speakers). All data is automatically stored on the Watch, and wirelessly transmitted to a computer via an optional Transceiver.

training equipment

Automated pre-set time cycles are generated by our system with visual and audible commands used to co-ordinate your squad of athletes. All athletes can see their performance at a glance and know what time cycle they are on. This frees up the coach to give more attention to technique and motivation.

racing equipment

A versatile wireless race starting and timing system that is easy to setup and use! Race starters will love the pre-programmed official race commands, saving their voice while remaining in full control of each command. All times and results can be downloaded to a computer. Minimal timekeepers are needed for your next race meet, whether a PB challenge, club meet, school meet or sporting carnival. The system uses the same equipment used in squad training, maximising your investment.



All Stopwatches are audio enabled with built-in microphone and speaker. They can call-out measurements verbally, so that there is no need to look at the screen. They can also function as a walkie talkie and a P.A. system.

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Designed with the tech illeterate in mind, the AutoCoach system requires minimal setup - just press and play!

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Each device is designed to be portable allowing for easy transportation.

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With a range of over 200 meters, the AutoCoach system allows wireless transmission of data, timing and audio.

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The system employs a digitally encoded wireless network allowing you to control who's in and who's out.

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Adapted for many sports such as track & field, triathlons and especially swimming.

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Choose your own components to create your own AutoCoach system designed to do what you need it to do. It's all up to you.


If you need more information or a quotation for AutoCoach equipment, click the request button below.
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